2012年11月29日 星期四

使用說明 (24/11/14更新)



A. 其他未列出的中文譯本:

  1. 古舊中文聖經譯本, 信仰著作及聖詩珍藏: http://rare.fhl.net/NUI
  2. 十九至二十世紀初的中文聖經譯本(包括文言, 客語, 粵語等)及其相關傳道典籍下載: http://www.scribd.com/kwpepper 
  3. 當代聖經 (1979) 
  4. 漢語聖經協會,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音: 網頁版(中英對照pdf)
  5. 李保羅,《宏博聖經:新約》(譯註版)(香港:宏博服務社,2012)。《宏博聖經:舊約─部分書卷01版:創世記、瑪拉基書》(譯註版)。 
  6. 馮象,《摩西五經》(譯序)(2006),《智慧書》(2008)和《新約》(前言)(2010);黃錫木; 張達民評1, 評2, 評3, 評4, 評5; 馮的回應及張的再回應
  7. 中文英皇欽定本 (based on KJV)
  8. 有稱為異端的呼喊派的恢復版聖經(2005): http://www.recoveryversion.com.tw/Style0A/026/bible_menu.php
  9. 被稱為異端的耶和華見證人,聖經新世界譯本(2001): http://www.jw.org/zh-hant/出版物/聖經/
    普通話聖經朗讀版: YouVersion (新譯本, 中文標準譯本, 新標點和合本)
    舊約: http://www.cclw.net/Bible/Bible%20Reading/1.htm
    新約: http://www.cclw.net/Bible/Bible%20Reading/2.htm  [MP3/ Realplayer] 新約: http://nea.ktwr.net/AB/abG.shtml  
    普通話聖經拼音: http://www.jonahome.cc/pinyin_bible/ (Android版)
    廣東話聖經朗讀版: YouVersion (選和合本修訂版)
    http://bible.fhl.net/new/audio_hb.php?version=3 (
    明星版:廣東話音譯新約聖經(聖士提芬會)—可供下載 (據悉

B. 本站引述譯本出處:

  1. 《環球新譯本》(新譯本的修訂, 暫時只有新約): http://www.wwbible.org/acms/content.asp?site=wbs&op=showbycode&code=NCV
  2. 網上《聖經新譯本》: http://www.wwbible.org/acms/content.asp?site=wbs&op=showbycode&code=NCV
  3. 《和合本修訂版》: 新舊約合訂版 http://rcuv.hkbs.org.hk/bible_list.php  (YouVersion版) 個別的試讀本下載 
  4. 《新約全書.新漢語譯本》網上版(需先註冊一"CORNER網上研經系統"戶口): 新漢語譯本
  5. 中文標準譯本(Chinese Standard Bible) -新約, 由Asia Bible Society及Holman Bible Publishers出版
  6. 新標點和合本 及 現中修訂版 經文閱讀與查詢: http://cb.fhl.net/
  7. 呂振中譯本: http://www.cclw.net/Bible/LzzBible/; http://bible.ccim.org/lzz.html; 下載版
  8. 思高譯本: http://www.catholic.org.tw/bible/  (附引論版本)
  9. 天主教牧靈聖經(2008第五版): http://www.pbible.org/bible/
  10. 當代譯本修訂版(2010): http://www.biblica.com/bibles/ccb/ ; (YouVersion版
  11. NET聖經(中譯本)(Chinese New English Translation Bible/ CNET 2011): http://bible.org/CHINESE; zip file
  12. Chinese Easy-to-Read Version (2006): http://www.bibleleague.org/resources/bible-download/chinese-bible
  13. 新譯簡明聖經(2006): http://www.tucsonchinesebible.org/

C. 手機apps(可下載離線譯本)推介


D. 中文譯本背景/相關資料:

  1. 圍繞中文聖經翻譯的詳盡介紹及相關文章的網誌: Bible Translation HK 
  2. 維基百科: 聖經漢語譯本列表 (not completely accurate)

ⒺⓃⒼ英文譯本 (9/8/2024更新)

  1. Parallel Bible searching of different languages and versions  和合本, NASB, MT, NA27 with lexicons: http://www.unboundbible.com/ NIV, NIrV, ESV, NLT, The Message, HCSB etc: https://www.biblegateway.com/; http://biblia.com/ (with Lexham English Bible) NRSV, RSV, God's Word etc: https://www.biblestudytools.com/parallel-bible/ ; https://www.bible.com (for mobile http://www.youversion.com/ ; ISV (NT&OT): http://biblehub.com/isv/
  2. NRSVue 2021: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-Revised-Standard-Version-Updated-Edition-NRSVue-Bible/  ; https://www.bible.com/versions/3523-nrsvue-new-revised-standard-version-updated-edition-2021
  3. NASB 2020: https://www.bible.com/versions/2692-nasb2020-new-american-standard-bible-nasb ; https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-American-Standard-Bible-NASB/#vinfo 
  4. NIV 2011: http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-International-Version-NIV-Bible/ ; http://biblica.com/bible/browse-books/ (NIV1984 is available here); introduction
  5. ESV (2016): https://www.esv.org/ (differences with the 2011 edition); ESV Bible Book Browser -going to any chapter just by hovering over each book: http://www.openbible.info/labs/browse-books/
  6. New English Translation online: http://www.bible.org/netbible/index.htm
  7. Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 
  8. Christian Standard Bible (CSB) revision of HCSB
  9. New English Bible 1970 (NEB) 
  10. Revised English Bible (REB 1989) -revison of NEB: US$20 through the software, the Word
  11. NAB (New American Bible/ Catholic) online: 3rd ed.; (4th) Revised Edition (NABRE)
  12. Common English Bible
  13. Lexham English Bible (NT only) and Lexham English Bible English–Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament -free download: http://www.lexhamenglishbible.com/download/
  14. N. T. Wright's The Kingdom New Testament A Contemporary Translation (limited preview available) (Ben Witherington interviews him)
  15. The Expanded Bible: Explore the Depths of the Scriptures While You Read. Translated by Tremper Longman III, Mark L. Strauss, and Daniel Taylor. Nashville: Nelson, 2011. (limited preview only)
  16. New Bible translation: The Voice by Thomas Nelson (kind of a paraphrase; currently NT searchable; Genesis and Isaiah available for download)
  17. The latest Jewish English Bible: Tree of Life Version (2014) 
  18. The New English Translation of the Septuagint -free download with introductions to each book: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/nets/edition/

    Topical Bible -searching for a topic in ESV: http://www.openbible.info/topics/ 
    To hear and to read different Bible versions online or on mobiles: http://www.youversion.com/ 
    Audio Scriptures International -hearing the bible in English and others: http://www.audiotreasure.com/; http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/  
    Free ebook: Sarah Murphy ed., The Holy Bible: A Buyer's Guide (Washington: Biblical Archaeology Society, 2010). 
    The 400th anniversary of The King James Bible -a history of bible revolution: http://www.kingjamesbibletrust.org/the-king-james-bible/experience-the-bible-revolution